My favourite Dahlias from 2022

It can be so hard to pick a favourite so I picked a few. The 2022/23 growing season was the toughest yet with what seemed like so much rain it was never going to stop. More than a few dahlia tubers rotted but on the bright side I never had to water the garden all summer!

  1. Pink Sylvia (Maarn) - This bright pink ball dahlia has lighter petal tips on dark stems.

  2. Jomanda - The best dusky orange. blooms on dark stems.

  3. Doris Duke - A cute salmon pink ball dahlia on the smaller side that has the prettiest fade in colour

  4. Isobel - Perfect ball shaped blooms in purple with a tinge of coral on the edge of the petals

  5. Sweet Nathalie - A formal decorative that produced large pale blush blooms all season

Kind of on the list but not really is the original Sylvia (Maarn) and Mary’s Jomanda.

I love the original Sylvia (Maarn), it is a brilliant orange colour that is hard to resist. Mary’s Jomanda a Sport of Jomanda is one I wanted for years and finally got my hands on last year. Its magenta ball shaped flowers were worth the wait!

New ones I’m wanting to add to the list this year include Megan Dean, Kokopuff and Linda’s Baby.


Five reasons to lift Dahlia Tubers